ALL STAR NINJA’s: (Ages 4 years and older)
All Star Ninjas will get strong and ready to complete obstacles of various levels. We spend time ensuring they know the best practices while falling so that safety is the number one priority. Our All Star Ninjas will learn balance, agility, running, jumping, basic tumbling, handstands, hanging/ swinging and more. We motivate our All-Star Ninjas through positive encouragement and always make sure they are advancing while having fun. Our goal is to produce strong All Star ninja warriors inside and outside of the gym
What to expect in your School-Age Instructional class at
Rock and Roll Gymnastics
All Star Ninja, Pop Star Gymnastics , Rock Star Gymnastics, Cheer & Cheer FUN-dations, and Tumbling
- Benefits of these programs are not only flexibility, strength and coordination but also increases life skills of listening, self confidence and a better self image.
- For safety please have kids dressed properly for class. Long hair up, Girls gymnastics needs a leotard, Ninja and cheer can wear shorts and t-shirts No Buttons or zippers Cheer must have white sneakers that are carried into the gym. (Never worn outside)
- Our teachers are trained to teach in many different ways. Some kids learn by hearing, some learn by seeing some learn by doing. Our teachers do their best to utilize all 3 ways,
- If your child needs more, consider adding a 2nd class (we take 50% off additional classes for same child a week) It is amazing how much they progress (and have fun) adding more classes
- Please remind your child to go to the bathroom BEFORE class. If they do have to go to the bathroom during class please make sure they ask the teacher’s permission first.
- Parents are welcome to stay and watch class, Please remember kids seek your approval so if they are looking out at you they are probably not listening to their teacher. Parents please never yell into the gym. We need the kids to listen to coaches’ corrections. It is a distraction to the entire class if a parent is yelling into the gym. Thank you
- Don’t compare your child to others. There may be various levels in one class. Our teachers are used to working will all levels and will make sure kids are working on appropriate skills
- Please remind your child to listen to their teacher. The gym can be a noisy and distracting place. They will be taking turns and learning to work independently at stations. It’s important they learn to stay and to listen to teacher
- Please put all items in cubbies when entering the gym to be sure kids are ready for class.